Producent wyrobów z drewna - domki letniskowe, domki całoroczne, budy dla psów, kojce porodowe, place zabaw dla dzieci


We are a manufacturer of wood products, with over 17- years of experience. We create in harmony with nature: personalized cottages for children, summer cottages, year-round, and tool cottages, dog kennels and dovecotes.

Our products are popular in Poland and in Europe. We take care of every, even the smallest detail, in all orders – regardless of the price – because we know that individuality is an extremely important feature nowadays. Thanks to such approach, we are the only manufacturer with that wide range in Poland.

In particular, we specialize in summer and year-round cottages, dovecotes and dog kennels. To your satisfaction, we are constantly expanding and improving our offer. When creating your order, we use only the highest quality products. It is thanks to our attention to every detail that we send a large part of our products abroad, especially to Italy, which is our largest foreign recipient.

We execute orders for both wholesalers and retail customers. Due to the variety of our products, the shipping price is set each time you place an order, or the order is delivered free of charge.

Products are registered with the patent office.





Movie– About Us

Movie– About Us

Movie Showcase all-year-round house

Movie Showcase all-year-round house

MovieShipping houses to France

MovieDog houses

MovieExclusive dog house design

MovieClassic dog house


MoviePigeon loft design

MovieExclusive dog house design

MovieHouse design 1

MovieHouse design 3

MovieHouse 6m/4m

Movie– About us

MovieDog houses

MovieTreehouse for children


MoviePlayhouse for a child

Movie– All- year-round houses”

MovieHouse design 2



Movie– Transport of houses to France.